Saturday, January 17, 2009

It's not that I forgot

Chase and her birthday robot.

This is yesterday's post. Things got a little crazy and I never got around to uploading photos, or even really taking too many. Ahhh, Friday.

Every Friday, my office has a lunch/staff meeting. We talk about the week and any issues that might have come up during the week, we eat pizza, and we celebrate birthdays as they come up. Chase's birthday was this week, so there was a cake for her, topped with this amazing robot. His head lights up! (Chase said that his eyes are supposed to shoot laser beams, but it's not that impressive.)

Friday is always a weird day. I spend the entire day anticipating the coming weekend, clock-watching, and building plans up in my mind. I often find myself feeling let down by weekends because of this. I often end up working a lot Saturday and Sunday, and the free time I do have is spent anticipating the work I'll have to do later in the day. I also have this insane need to do things, but Lou and I don't go out very much for various reasons (we're broke, it's cold, our friends live across the city--there are any number of arguments for doing nothing.)

Today, I'm going to roll with the punches and try to enjoy the fact that I am not at work. I'm going to relax. I'm going to load film into that amazing camera I've got upstairs and finally see if it works. I'm going to try to be optimistic and spread that sentiment to people around me. I'm going to try to make Lou smile as much as possible.

Argus Autotronic 35, circa 1960. One of the first 35mm cameras. One of two cameras Lou got me for my birthday.

Today should be a good day, despite the temperature being in the teens and Lou and I having errands to run. After all, it's Saturday. I've got a roll of black and white film to try out my Argus Autotronic 35, we've got a case of really nice beer, and we've got each other. I'm not going to build up a crazy Saturday night out in my mind, because it's just not going to happen. And sometimes, a Saturday night at home snuggling under blankets and watching crappy movies is the best kind of Saturday night.

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